Tag: week 4

The Outsiders Chapter 7

Today we were told to  Draw a picture that shows a key moment in chapter 7. We used A4 paper or a digital tool like Canva to create our artwork. Take a photo of your drawing and post it to your blog with a caption explaining what is happening in the scene.

The drawing that I have done is about the second was it the day after ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry come back from the hospital ponyboy is in the kitchen about to make some eggs for himself and his brother when Two-bit and steve come in. There catch up with ponyboy and steve pushes him across the room in a friendly but ponyboy didn’t have the strongest grip on an egg and that’s when it goes flying across the room and smashes into the clock.

My drawing of what I thought the egg would look like on the clock.

Debrief of Slumdog Millionaire

We are learning to: 

  • Understand how evidence works together with explanation to demonstrate themes in the film

Do Now: Debrief the bus stop activity from yesterday.

At bus stop #3,  we watched this video, and then after watching the video we had to write something new we had learned about the movie on a post-it note. Some notes that people had written we that the East and the West had very different opinions on the movie like the East side thinking it was superficial meaning not deep, on the surface, or not important.  The video, it talked about how the film portrayed India in a negative and not accurate way than how India really is. 

At Bus stop #2,  we did an activity looking at Society & Class. The activity was about matching the quotes to an explanation on a theme board. Society & class are I guess what you  “Groups” usually nurtured on things like social and economic status and more. In this activity, we learned that in 1947 the end of the British colonial rule. IN 1992 Bombay riots started and went on for two years. And then in 1995 Bombay was renamed Mumbai. 

Then at Bus stop #1, we did another activity with a theme board where we also had to match the quotes to the explanation but at this bus stop we were looking at the Theme of the movie and it having been based around Society & class,  and things like money and love and how Jamal was showing Perseverance meaning not giving up when things had gotten difficult or in other words being resilience thru out the movie. In the movie we also learn that Jamal gains his knowledge/learning through experience (different types of knowledge should be honored). And in the end, we see how Jamal’s brother Salim seeks redemption by doing the right thing so that Jamal and Latika end up together.