Tag: week 1

Model Atom

Model Atom

Aim: The aim of this project was to create a model atom using blu tac, paper, scissors, vivid, tape, beads and string. We did this to show our understanding of atoms and how they are constructed. 

Equipment: When making this modal we used a variety of materials to make our modal atom which includes blu tac, paper, scissors, vivid, tape, beads and string. 


  1. Pick your element and get your equipment. -(blu tac, paper, vivid, scissors, tape, beads and string) 
  2. Get beads, two sets of your elements’ atomic number beads of your atomic number two different colours, one colour for electrons and another colour for neutrons.
  3. After getting all your beads you stick them all onto a piece of blu tac trying to create are rough circle. 
  4. Then setting your “atoms” to the side you’re going to cut out two rings one a little bigger than the other and one big enough for your “atom” to fit and have space around it.
  5. After cutting your circles out you’re going to draw the number of protons your elements has. 
  6. Then at the back of your cut-out rings your going to get a string long enough to let your atom hang. 
  7. At the back of your rings, you’re going to stick your string down onto the rings using tape.
  8. Then in the middle try and stick your blu tac “atom” onto the string. 
  9. Then create a label of your element and you’re done. 



  • How many protons, electrons and neutrons does your atom have?

For my element, I have chosen to do oxygen which has 8 electrons, 8 neutrons and 8 protons.

  • Where do you find each of these particles in the atom?

For my element, you can find 8 electrons and 8 neutrons in the atom. Then find 2 protons on the first level shell then on the second shell you can find 6 protons and all together you have 8 protons. 

  • What is the mass and atomic number?

For oxygen, its mass number is 16 and for its atomic number, it is 8.

  • What do these numbers mean?

The atomic number is the number of electrons and protons your element has. And the mass number is the protons plus neutrons. 

  • 2 interesting facts about your atom

 Oxygen is the most common element on Earth and makes up 50% of the Earth’s crust.

  • What is isotopes?

Isotopes is when each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei


Did It work? I think that my model of oxygen and how the atom is constructed turned out really well.  

Would you do anything differently? I think that the only thing I would have done differently if I had to was to change my element other than that I think that I wouldn’t change anything.

Film Techniques

This term in English, we are learning to decode and comprehend written texts (in particular extended written texts – novels); identify visual language features and explain their purposes and effects; craft a close viewing/visual text essay. For this week we had to describe and identify film techniques/aspects”. 

What we had to do:                                                                                                                                                                                 For each of the following film terms, write a definition AND search and find a correct image/GIF to insert in the appropriate boxes that shows an example of that film aspect.

Here is the link to my film techniques table.