Tag: Term 2 2022

Anti – Vietnam song

At the time there was a war going on in Vietnam that America was heavily involved with. Many people around the world including New Zealand were against this. There were songs written about the Vietnam War and how bad it was. These songs were sung at Woodstock.

Once we have watched and listened to a song, Blog it. Write the Title of the song, What was the message of the song. And that we might have to Google to find more information about the song

What was the message of the song and the name of the song? The name of the song that I had listened to was “Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band”, I think that this song was short and simple but has a clear message in the song saying to give peace a chance.

The Song.
Give Peace a Chance
Song by John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band

Music through time – Work song

Work Songs

  • Slaves needed something to do in the fields. 
  • They were in the fields from sunrise to sunset.
  •  They would sing what they call work songs to keep themselves alert and entertained, but also to call attention to one another. 
  • These songs tell stories of how the slaves feel at that moment.  They also tell stories from back home.  Since the songs are just sung out in the fields they were never written down.  


  •  Our task was to listen to a song and write about the feeling that we felt and all that kind of stuff like that. after that, we were to add it to our blogs and then post it.   


Explain the feeling that you get when you listen to the song?

The feeling that I felt when I was listening to the song was an emotional feeling like feeling dismal and sorry for those that relate to the song and the things that are said in it.


What do you think the slaves are talking about in this song?

From what I heard in the song, they a relieved when the sun goes down because that means they get to stop working and have a break because from working all day and having very little time to take a break during the day they get to rest during the night.

The song that I had listened to.

I Be So Glad... When The Sun Goes Down - YouTube