Tag: P.E

First P.E blog

This term for one of my options I have chosen P.E, for the last 8 weeks of P.E we have been doing netball and quick rip/turbo touch. We were told to make a blog post on things we have learned in P.e like strategy and teamwork and so on our blog, we have to answer some questions given to us these are my answers:

  • What have you learnt about game strategy so far this term? I think something very important I have learnt about game strategy is having to talk as a team and work as a team and think together as a team.


  • What do you think is important about being in a successful team? I think that something important is being able to communicate with your team and others.


  • What game strategy did you demonstrate yesterday in PE with the list below? 

Decision making – I think I have shown decision making when taking as a team and making a strategy.  

Problem Solving – I think I have shown problem-solving when having to talk as a team and tell people to spread out in netball or to indicate that you are free for the ball. 

Communicating – I think I have shown this when I am open with no one guarding me in netball and when I’m on the bench telling people to throw high.

Working together – I think I have shown working together as a team by passing the ball down the court working together and when you are able to pass the bench ball to someone else on the bench if you are going to fall off 

Inclusion – I think we have shown this when we include everyone in bench ball because there is no other way you can win. 

Challenge – I think something that shows this is when the boy that can jump really high regard the bench and you might have someone that isn’t able to get the ball.