Tag: June 30

Ancient Rome

For the last two weeks, we have been learning and exploring the interesting and varied lives of the Ancient Rome and things like the story Romulus and Remus, Roman inventions such as roads, toilets, and aqueducts we’ve also learned about ancient gods, food, and some other little things. My blog post today is about the Roman arches.

The Romans had often copied their architecture from the greek who were great architects but the Romans were great engineers and had worked out a better way to improve the buildings. The main way they did this was by creating the Roman Arches  But the Romans by no means invented the arch as it has been around and been used way before by the Mesopotamians. but by saying that they were first to master it and use it to its fullest potential. And as today they are seen as one of the defining characteristics of Roman architecture style. They had found out the power of the arches when constructing bridges, monuments, and buildings. The arches allowed the weight of the buildings to push downwards and outwards, which meant the big structures like the Colosseum would not crumble under their own weight. The center stone at the top of the arch is called the keystone, and it’s the piece that locks the arch in its shape and forces.

After learning about the Roman arch we were given playdoh in a group of about 3 or 4 and had made a bridge with the design of a Roman arch. me and my groups arch