Film Techniques

This term in English, we are learning to decode and comprehend written texts (in particular extended written texts – novels); identify visual language features and explain their purposes and effects; craft a close viewing/visual text essay. For this week we had to describe and identify film techniques/aspects”. 

What we had to do:                                                                                                                                                                                 For each of the following film terms, write a definition AND search and find a correct image/GIF to insert in the appropriate boxes that shows an example of that film aspect.

Here is the link to my film techniques table.


Benefits of silent reading

Students’ comprehension is increased by silent reading since it allows them to focus on reading rather than pronunciation and the way they talk. Children that engage in this activity read more quickly and with greater comprehension. Since the importance is on comprehending the information, silent reading aids in the development of reading abilities with a purpose. Today I didn’t get the chance to do silent reading Because I was the runner so next time when I do silent reading I will take more about this.

62 Silent Reading Classroom Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Ancient Rome

For the last two weeks, we have been learning and exploring the interesting and varied lives of the Ancient Rome and things like the story Romulus and Remus, Roman inventions such as roads, toilets, and aqueducts we’ve also learned about ancient gods, food, and some other little things. My blog post today is about the Roman arches.

The Romans had often copied their architecture from the greek who were great architects but the Romans were great engineers and had worked out a better way to improve the buildings. The main way they did this was by creating the Roman Arches  But the Romans by no means invented the arch as it has been around and been used way before by the Mesopotamians. but by saying that they were first to master it and use it to its fullest potential. And as today they are seen as one of the defining characteristics of Roman architecture style. They had found out the power of the arches when constructing bridges, monuments, and buildings. The arches allowed the weight of the buildings to push downwards and outwards, which meant the big structures like the Colosseum would not crumble under their own weight. The center stone at the top of the arch is called the keystone, and it’s the piece that locks the arch in its shape and forces.

After learning about the Roman arch we were given playdoh in a group of about 3 or 4 and had made a bridge with the design of a Roman arch. me and my groups arch


Anti – Vietnam song

At the time there was a war going on in Vietnam that America was heavily involved with. Many people around the world including New Zealand were against this. There were songs written about the Vietnam War and how bad it was. These songs were sung at Woodstock.

Once we have watched and listened to a song, Blog it. Write the Title of the song, What was the message of the song. And that we might have to Google to find more information about the song

What was the message of the song and the name of the song? The name of the song that I had listened to was “Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band”, I think that this song was short and simple but has a clear message in the song saying to give peace a chance.

The Song.
Give Peace a Chance
Song by John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band

Music through time – Work song

Work Songs

  • Slaves needed something to do in the fields. 
  • They were in the fields from sunrise to sunset.
  •  They would sing what they call work songs to keep themselves alert and entertained, but also to call attention to one another. 
  • These songs tell stories of how the slaves feel at that moment.  They also tell stories from back home.  Since the songs are just sung out in the fields they were never written down.  


  •  Our task was to listen to a song and write about the feeling that we felt and all that kind of stuff like that. after that, we were to add it to our blogs and then post it.   


Explain the feeling that you get when you listen to the song?

The feeling that I felt when I was listening to the song was an emotional feeling like feeling dismal and sorry for those that relate to the song and the things that are said in it.


What do you think the slaves are talking about in this song?

From what I heard in the song, they a relieved when the sun goes down because that means they get to stop working and have a break because from working all day and having very little time to take a break during the day they get to rest during the night.

The song that I had listened to.

I Be So Glad... When The Sun Goes Down - YouTube

How Drugs affect the brain

What effect does marijuana have on a teenager’s brain?

Marijuana usage has been linked to lower cognitive function in teenagers, according to studies. Teens who use marijuana consistently lose an average of 5.8 IQ points by the time they reach adulthood, according to one study.

How do drugs work in the brain? Drugs interfere with the way neurones use neurotransmitters to send, receive, and process signals. Because their chemical structure resembles that of a natural neurotransmitter in the body, some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurones
What impact does regular drugs use have on the teenage brain ?
The underdevelopment of the brain.
It causes the endocannabinoid system to basically overload and causes it to malfunction.
Weed Day in USA in 2022 | There is a Day for that!

First P.E blog

This term for one of my options I have chosen P.E, for the last 8 weeks of P.E we have been doing netball and quick rip/turbo touch. We were told to make a blog post on things we have learned in P.e like strategy and teamwork and so on our blog, we have to answer some questions given to us these are my answers:

  • What have you learnt about game strategy so far this term? I think something very important I have learnt about game strategy is having to talk as a team and work as a team and think together as a team.


  • What do you think is important about being in a successful team? I think that something important is being able to communicate with your team and others.


  • What game strategy did you demonstrate yesterday in PE with the list below? 

Decision making – I think I have shown decision making when taking as a team and making a strategy.  

Problem Solving – I think I have shown problem-solving when having to talk as a team and tell people to spread out in netball or to indicate that you are free for the ball. 

Communicating – I think I have shown this when I am open with no one guarding me in netball and when I’m on the bench telling people to throw high.

Working together – I think I have shown working together as a team by passing the ball down the court working together and when you are able to pass the bench ball to someone else on the bench if you are going to fall off 

Inclusion – I think we have shown this when we include everyone in bench ball because there is no other way you can win. 

Challenge – I think something that shows this is when the boy that can jump really high regard the bench and you might have someone that isn’t able to get the ball.


Today in wananga we are learning more about docs we were told to write a paragraph or a list of what you can use and do use google docs for on your edublog. After we had made a list we make a poster on google docs about anything you want we had been given instructions to make it an A5 so it’s easy to see we can also decide if we want to make it landscape or portrait.

Some things you can do on a doc

  • Create and text writing
  • make lists
  • make posters
  • shear with others and work together
  • make a grid

For my poster, I have written instructions on how to change a light bulb.

Kingitanga Movement

This week we had to do some research about the Kingitanga movement after doing our research we had to write an overview of the research we did on the Kingitanga movement, We had to write a blog post and answer these questions, Why did it begin?, What was the purpose?,  What are some notable events?,  Does it still exist today?

What is the Kingitanga movement?

The Maori King Movement, also known as the Kingitanga in Maori, originated in the 1850s in the central North Island of New Zealand, with the intention of establishing a position equivalent to that of the British colonists’ monarch, in order to prevent Maori territory from being lost.


Why did it begin?

To defend Maori land ownership and political sovereignty, a movement known as Kingitanga emerged to establish a Maori monarch. It has since aided in the unification of otherwise disparate tribes in order to maintain tribal traditions and resources. There were increasing numbers of European settlers and demand for Maori land in the 1850s, and Maori had little political authority. Some Maori wished to bring the tribes together under a single ruler.


What was the purpose?

In effect, it was to gain more authority as more Europeans moved in and took over the land.


What are some of the notable events?

  • 23 May 1966 – The first Maori Queen is crowned (Princess Piki, King Koroki’s daughter, was chosen as the first Maori Queen during her father’s tangi).
  • 26 August 1894 – Death of the Second Maori King (Tukaroto Matuaera Potatau Te wherowhero tawhiao had guided his people through the terrible period during and after the 1800s wars – he was buried in September at Taupiri after a tangihanga attended by thousands)
  • Killings at Pukearuhe, 13 February 1869 (A Ngati Maniapoto war party led by Wetere Te Rerenga destroyed this idea of safety when they assaulted Pukearuhe – two soldiers were slain on the beach close – Lieutenant Bamber Gascoigne, his wife, and three children were killed)
  • 9 June 1868: Begging of Titokowarus battle (A third Taraknaki war erupted when Ngati Runanui chief Riwha Titokowaru led a movement against Maori land confiscation – Titokowaru was imprisoned)
  • 12 July 1863 – British troops occupy Waikato (British troops invaded Waikato by crossing the Mangatawhiri creek, which had been declared a no-crossing line by the Kingitanga (Maori King movement). The refusal of the government to sell property was seen as a barrier to European settlement.)
  • Death of the first Maori King (One of the chiefs who possessed the mana required for this post) on June 25, 1860. In 1858, he was crowned as the first Maori monarch, but he died two years later. War dominated his early adult existence.)


Does it exist today?

Yes, it does because Te Arikinui Kiingi Theitia, New Zealand’s Maori king, recently commemorated the 160th anniversary of the installation of the first Maori monarch, Ptatau Te Wherowhero, at Ngruawhia on the Waikato River in 1858.

Te Arikinui Kiing Theitia                                                       Tawhiao Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero

New Zealand Maori Most Recent King                               Also known as King Tāwhiao


Science Making Salts

Aim: To produce copper sulfate salt by reacting copper oxide with an acid.

Equipment: Copper oxide, sulfuric acid, beaker, conical flask, bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, funnel, filter paper, spatula,


  1. First, we heated the sulfuric acid on the bunsen burner after heating it enough to about 70c we started mixing in the copper oxide with the sulfuric acid.
  2.  After mixing the sulfuric acid with the copper oxide it turned into a blue colour then filtered the blue solution, We did this to make the blue liquid high concentration.
  3.  After filtering the blue liquid we use a water bath to evaporate the blue solution.
  4. Lastly, we placed the blue liquid next to the window on the window sill to crystalise the liquid.



After two days of waiting, we came back today and saw that our blue liquid had turned into a lot of tiny straight little crystals.

Our Crystals after two days:


Symbol Equation: CuO + H2SO4  > CuSO4 + H2O

Word Equation: Copper oxide + Sulfuric acid   > Copper Sulfate + Water