

Aim: The aim of this experiment was to 6 colours of the rainbow by neutralising it using acids, and bases.

Equipment: For our experiment the equipment we used was sodium hydroxide as our base, hydrochloric acidas our acid, 6 test one for each colour, universiel indicata to show the colour and a testtube rack to hoe lthe test tubes. 

Method: We added 2ml of acids in each test tube then added 10 drops of universal indicata so that teh colours would show up. Then after adding that we added varying amounts of sodium hydroxide our base to create the colours of the rainbow. 



What is an acid? Acids are substance composed of one or more hydrogen atoms chemically bonded to one, or a group of, non-metal atoms. 

What is  base? Bases are  usually metal oxides, metal oxides, metal carbonates or metal hydrogen carbonates. Many bases are insoluble (they do not dissolve in water). If a base does dissolve in water we call it an alkali.

Describe the process of neutralisation:  A chemical reaction occurs when you mix together an acid and a base. The base cancels out the effects of the acid. The reaction is called a ‘neutralisation’ reaction because a neutral (pH 7) solution is made if you add just the right amount of acid and base together.


Did it work? Yes I would say that my group had really good results in it working 

Would you do anything different? I dont think I would change anything about the experiment because I would say that our experiment had really good results.

Model Atom

Model Atom

Aim: The aim of this project was to create a model atom using blu tac, paper, scissors, vivid, tape, beads and string. We did this to show our understanding of atoms and how they are constructed. 

Equipment: When making this modal we used a variety of materials to make our modal atom which includes blu tac, paper, scissors, vivid, tape, beads and string. 


  1. Pick your element and get your equipment. -(blu tac, paper, vivid, scissors, tape, beads and string) 
  2. Get beads, two sets of your elements’ atomic number beads of your atomic number two different colours, one colour for electrons and another colour for neutrons.
  3. After getting all your beads you stick them all onto a piece of blu tac trying to create are rough circle. 
  4. Then setting your “atoms” to the side you’re going to cut out two rings one a little bigger than the other and one big enough for your “atom” to fit and have space around it.
  5. After cutting your circles out you’re going to draw the number of protons your elements has. 
  6. Then at the back of your cut-out rings your going to get a string long enough to let your atom hang. 
  7. At the back of your rings, you’re going to stick your string down onto the rings using tape.
  8. Then in the middle try and stick your blu tac “atom” onto the string. 
  9. Then create a label of your element and you’re done. 



  • How many protons, electrons and neutrons does your atom have?

For my element, I have chosen to do oxygen which has 8 electrons, 8 neutrons and 8 protons.

  • Where do you find each of these particles in the atom?

For my element, you can find 8 electrons and 8 neutrons in the atom. Then find 2 protons on the first level shell then on the second shell you can find 6 protons and all together you have 8 protons. 

  • What is the mass and atomic number?

For oxygen, its mass number is 16 and for its atomic number, it is 8.

  • What do these numbers mean?

The atomic number is the number of electrons and protons your element has. And the mass number is the protons plus neutrons. 

  • 2 interesting facts about your atom

 Oxygen is the most common element on Earth and makes up 50% of the Earth’s crust.

  • What is isotopes?

Isotopes is when each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei


Did It work? I think that my model of oxygen and how the atom is constructed turned out really well.  

Would you do anything differently? I think that the only thing I would have done differently if I had to was to change my element other than that I think that I wouldn’t change anything.

Disastrous Vocabulary Crossword

Task: Use a class dictionary or this site to find the meanings of the words below. Show your understanding of the following vocabulary words by completing ONE of the following tasks to the best of your ability.

  • What am I learning? I am learning about the definition of Disastrous vocabulary.
  • How does this work show my learning? It shows that I understand the vocabulary and definitions. 
  • What am I wondering as a result of this learning? What things are we going to further learn about and the new things I’m going to find out.

The Outsiders Chapter 7

Today we were told to  Draw a picture that shows a key moment in chapter 7. We used A4 paper or a digital tool like Canva to create our artwork. Take a photo of your drawing and post it to your blog with a caption explaining what is happening in the scene.

The drawing that I have done is about the second was it the day after ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry come back from the hospital ponyboy is in the kitchen about to make some eggs for himself and his brother when Two-bit and steve come in. There catch up with ponyboy and steve pushes him across the room in a friendly but ponyboy didn’t have the strongest grip on an egg and that’s when it goes flying across the room and smashes into the clock.

My drawing of what I thought the egg would look like on the clock.

English SEXXY Paragraph Practice

In English, we are learning to…

  • Identify and describe a variety of film techniques
  • Write SEXY paragraphs
  • Explain the director’s purpose for using various film techniques
  • Explain the effect on the audience of various film techniques
  • Explore important themes in the text and make connections to self, society, and the wider world

This week we took a scene from the movie Slumdog Millionaire and were focusing on the film aspects and detailed description of evidence(what we saw/heard) or quote (for dialogue) found in that scene. My work 

The Outsiders Chapter two

Reading strategies: Searching-selecting and inferring (reading ‘in between the lines’) to answer the following questions in complete sentences.

  • How do the boys get into the Nightly Double? The boy gets into the Nightly Double which is a drive-in movie by waiting till it was dark so the boys could jump over the back fence. Why do they choose to do that? It says that the boys had enough money to pay to get in but they didn’t want to because they didn’t want to do things the legal way to make themself seem cool or indifferent and like they didn’t care. 
  • Why does Dally use vulgar and abrasive language with the girls at the movies? I think that he does that because he is trying to create an image that he is a cool guy and is tough and that he is trying to impress the girls when they are not.
  • How do the girls respond to the insults? From their reactions, what can you infer about their personalities? Sherri also known as Cherry Valance and her friend Marica Respond to the insults in a courageous, brave, and act like they are unafraid but they do it with confidence. 

Debrief of Slumdog Millionaire

We are learning to: 

  • Understand how evidence works together with explanation to demonstrate themes in the film

Do Now: Debrief the bus stop activity from yesterday.

At bus stop #3,  we watched this video, and then after watching the video we had to write something new we had learned about the movie on a post-it note. Some notes that people had written we that the East and the West had very different opinions on the movie like the East side thinking it was superficial meaning not deep, on the surface, or not important.  The video, it talked about how the film portrayed India in a negative and not accurate way than how India really is. 

At Bus stop #2,  we did an activity looking at Society & Class. The activity was about matching the quotes to an explanation on a theme board. Society & class are I guess what you  “Groups” usually nurtured on things like social and economic status and more. In this activity, we learned that in 1947 the end of the British colonial rule. IN 1992 Bombay riots started and went on for two years. And then in 1995 Bombay was renamed Mumbai. 

Then at Bus stop #1, we did another activity with a theme board where we also had to match the quotes to the explanation but at this bus stop we were looking at the Theme of the movie and it having been based around Society & class,  and things like money and love and how Jamal was showing Perseverance meaning not giving up when things had gotten difficult or in other words being resilience thru out the movie. In the movie we also learn that Jamal gains his knowledge/learning through experience (different types of knowledge should be honored). And in the end, we see how Jamal’s brother Salim seeks redemption by doing the right thing so that Jamal and Latika end up together.

The Outsiders: Introduction

Read the introduction by author Jodi Picoult. In a new blog post titled “The Outsiders: Introduction and Chapter One” answer the following:

  • What do we learn about the protagonist/narrator Ponyboy Curtis from the introduction? Ponyboy is a fourteen-year-old boy who is an orphan raised by his older brother Derry. He likes to read books, he has good grades, and he “belongs” to a social group called the Greasers named after the Grease hairstyle they wear.
  • What is one question or wondering you have about the novel after reading the introduction? One question I have after reading the introduction is how did he get his nickname Ponyboy?

The Outsiders Pr-reading post

Define 3-4 words from the back cover by looking up the definitions and re-writing them in your own words.

  • Greasers: Were a youth group with strong beliefs that are economically disadvantaged teenagers. That started in the 1950s in the United States. Greasers were one of the first types of street gangs in the world.
  • Socs :  (short for “Socials”) are wealthy teenagers.
  • Switch-blades: It’s like a pocket knife but instead you push a button and the blade comes out.

Understanding mental health and wellbeing (Taha hinengaro)

Today for Wananga we had to re-read this fact sheet out loud and then again. From there you need to make a blog post that answers these three questions:

1) What does Mason Durie define Taha Hinengaro as?                                                                                                                    He describes Taha Hinengaro as an expression of thoughts and feelings of our mind, heart, and conscience. These expressions can be communicated through gestures, eye movements, facial
expressions, and verbally.

2) What helps us have the resilience to bounce back?                                                                                                                              Developing individual skills.
• Building supportive environments.
• Activities and actions that help people and communities to feel good, function well and have
strong social relationships.

3)What three things work to support healthy mental well-being?

Feeling good (Oranga ) – Increasing positive feelings & ways to manage negative experiences.
Functioning well (Mātauranga) – Increasing our ability to do the things that give us meaning and purpose.                          Supportive relationships (Whanaungatanga) – Increasing opportunities to connect so we feel valued and have a sense of belonging.